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Accelerated’s treatment programs typically cost less than comparable one-to-one treatment programs while providing exceptional results.
On average, Accelerated’s treatment programs offer over 75 hours of private 1-to-1 licensed clinical care compared with 0-3 hours in 28 day residential, 12 Step treatment programs.
Accelerated clients have access to Recovery Concierge services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year for an average of six months after returning home.
Most Accelerated Clients test positive for MTHFR transcription errors. These genetic errors have been associated with co-occurring disorders such as Anxiety, Depression, and Bipolar Disorder. Accelerated uses best practices to address and treat these transcription errors.
Individual communication and attachment styles are evaluated and are put in context of current relationships.
Predictive analytics determines which medications in which combination will be optimally effective given an individual client’s brain chemistry.
Relationship Checkups are conducted to create a baseline of current levels of compatibility in 11 different categories. Communication and attachment styles are also analyzed for compatibility.
Extensive laboratory testing is done to determine any underlying health issues which may contribute to excessive use of alcohol.
Exhaustive psychological testing is conducted to inform each individualized treatment plan. Most Accelerated clients have been improperly diagnosed by less thorough clinicians and programs.
Accelerated offers private detoxification services for clients that need them. Non-Psychiatric Hospital based detox services are also available.
Accelerated provides private, confidential, discreet treatment on a 1-to-1 basis. We are not a group based treatment facility.
30% of Accelerated’s private clinical care is spent with family members, in particular spouses and significant others, ensuring that all affected individuals are afforded high quality care.
For 6 months after returning home, Accelerated will continue to provide 1-to-1 clinical care through secure video conferencing and other means. Our clients also have access to a Recovery Concierge during that time.
Every client stays in a private suite and may bring laptops, tablets, smart phones and family members with them, should they so desire.
Each client is assigned a treatment suite for their entire length of stay. Treatment suites are roomy, comfortable and sound conditioned to protect confidentiality and privacy.
Each client is assigned a professional fitness trainer during their time here. You will have access to private athletic facilities, pools and other amenities. Private transportation is also provided during your stay.
Accelerated’s clients demand privacy. No local, state, federal or private agency has access to Accelerated’s client files. And every clients signs a legally binding non-disclosure agreement to protect the privacy of others.
99% of Accelerated clients say they will be able to abstain from alcohol indefinitely.
99% of Accelerated clients say we exceeded their expectations regarding impact on the quality of their life.
93% of Accelerated clients say we exceeded their expectations in terms of value (benefits relative to cost).
Accelerated provides access to a third party administrator who will assist those clients who wish to use their insurance.
Accelerated provides access to third party lenders who finance our services over time, thus making treatment an affordable alternative.